Reprint from: TBTNEWS <>
Submitted by Dr. Claude Spivey


We Should Be Proud

c westYep, we should?! The world has joined hands. America has shown determination. Chicagoans have obeyed their command to sit down and shut up! Yep, that’s exactly what our two elected officials, the Mayor, and the Governor, has instructed us to do. They’ve even used harsh and threatening words to express their positions. Now, after over two months, what they need to openly do is thank the citizens for our cooperation.

We Should Be Proud: The people of this corrupt state and city has pulled together and stood firm on their responsibility to defeat the evil and deadly Coronavirus. This COVID-19 thing invaded our space and forced us to shelter in place. Now, as talks are circulating deeply within the halls of local and federal governments about should the world or select cities and states open back up to begin rebuilding our lives, we should applaud not just first responders, and healthcare workers, but the people also need to be saluted.

The people, especially folks in a big city like Chicago or the State of Illinois, for matter, have endured some very stressful and painful measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have shown tremendous and remarkable patience, as we collectively waited in terribly long lines for groceries, gas, banking transactions, and a host of non-essentials. Parents have had to, happily I’m sure, divide space for their children who typically are away at college, or either in grade or high schools throughout the day as they work from home. Live-in relations (marriages), hopefully, progressed. But nonetheless, couples had to work together as a team for nearly 24 hours a day since mid-March.

From my observation, we’ve collectively done a heck of a job being sheltered in place when most of our lives have been spent moving freely around to come and go as (we) pleased. I was sort of complaining to a homie friend of mine, who really helped me put the Stay-at-Home order in perspective. See, he spent 15 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. He’s out now and doing quite well on the money Chicago gifted him with for their corrupt police and judicial system. He was like, ‘Carl, this is temporary. Imagine not being able to move around for 15 years unless instructed by someone 24 hours a day?’ From that point, I literally stop complaining, at least publicly. I still complain about my total boredom but to myself.

Aside from the most relevant reality check, I continue to stress how We Should Be Proud! I’ve not seen any anger mismanaged issues during my time roaming freely around Chicago. Everywhere I’ve traveled for my essential products, I was met with kindness, laughs, warm greetings, and sometimes a few pissed-off looking people. But they only showed an expression, like so many have been feeling–and that’s also pissed-off. So to our Mayor of Chicago and Governor of the State of Illinois, you owe the residents of this city and state a huge apology and a warm and hardy thank you.

Mainly because both of you have attempted to act as though you’re kings and queens. You came on television daily attempting to dictate the activities of our lives without giving us any input. Yes, this was a major crisis. We get that! But with any life-threatening catastrophe, the people who’ll be affected the most should have a few words into how they choose to cope with this life-altering occurrence. Don’t talk to us like we’re your children. We mostly have our own kids. Don’t punish us like we’re school-age kids who lack guidance and responsibilities. Because as tax-paying citizens, we know our obligations.
And furthermore, don’t take away our lively-hoods and not act as though we will not push back. Because once the crisis has subsided, businesses, in particular, will still be expected to pay their fair share to help this economy resume some sense of normalcy. Yes, the city and state have removed some burdens, but those are only temporary life-preservers. Living is for a lifetime–and if we can’t regain our normal way of life–how can municipalities expect (us) to resume the government’s continued way of taxation without representation?

My Works of Words to the world: Be proud. Be content and celebratory on how (we’ve) withstood the volcano erupting right before (our) eyes. Yes, death is still slipping under the gaps of (our) front doors. But (we’ve) always known death (wars, violence, horrific accidents – plane or car crashes, etc…). But hardly do we examine what it’s like to live. We’ve been tested on how we should and can live. So truly embrace this experience. Most importantly, love your neighbors like never before. Because this shared journey has combined (us) all, forever! Until the next edition….. I Write to Differ…
Seek the Truth, Know the Truth, Speak the Truth!

Aside from the most relevant reality check, I continue to stress how We Should Be Proud! I’ve not seen any anger mismanaged issues during my time roaming freely around Chicago. Everywhere I’ve traveled for my essential products, I was met with kindness, laughs, warm greetings, and sometimes a few pissed-off looking people. But they only showed an expression, like so many have been feeling–and that’s also pissed-off. So to our Mayor of Chicago and Governor of the State of Illinois, you owe the residents of this city and state a huge apology and a warm and hardy thank you.

Mainly because both of you have attempted to act as though you’re kings and queens. You came on television daily attempting to dictate the activities of our lives without giving us any input. Yes, this was a major crisis. We get that! But with any life-threatening catastrophe, the people who’ll be affected the most should have a few words into how they choose to cope with this life-altering occurrence. Don’t talk to us like we’re your children. We mostly have our own kids. Don’t punish us like we’re school-age kids who lack guidance and responsibilities. Because as tax-paying citizens, we know our obligations.
And furthermore, don’t take away our lively-hoods and not act as though we will not push back. Because once the crisis has subsided, businesses, in particular, will still be expected to pay their fair share to help this economy resume some sense of normalcy. Yes, the city and state have removed some burdens, but those are only temporary life-preservers. Living is for a lifetime–and if we can’t regain our normal way of life–how can municipalities expect (us) to resume the government’s continued way of taxation without representation?

My Works of Words to the world: Be proud. Be content and celebratory on how (we’ve) withstood the volcano erupting right before (our) eyes. Yes, death is still slipping under the gaps of (our) front doors. But (we’ve) always known death (wars, violence, horrific accidents – plane or car crashes, etc…). But hardly do we examine what it’s like to live. We’ve been tested on how we should and can live. So truly embrace this experience. Most importantly, love your neighbors like never before. Because this shared journey has combined (us) all, forever! Until the next edition….. I Write to Differ…
Seek the Truth, Know the Truth, Speak the Truth!



I have functioned as a Business and Media Consultant over the past sixteen years and spent many years developing my capacity to function in our ever evolving use of technology, communication, education and training.