“This speech by Professor Michelle Alexander is one of the best speeches of the 21st century. This speech is in the dynamic tradition of speeches by Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela and President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. This is a speech that should be studied by every student in America for content, form, delivery, historical research and political veracity.
Additionally, Professor Alexander’s book is a bible for understanding the actions and policies of America in relationship to race and incarceration over the past 50 years. Every high school and college student in America must read the great American book–The New Jim Crow! And every adult in America should watch this video!!
Michelle Alexander reminds us of “Harriet Tubman, Ella Baker and Ida B. Wells”! She is a freedom fighter and a movement builder! Watch this video and then call The Black Star Project (773.285.9600) to do something.”
Phillip Jackson,The Black Star Project
Please click here to see and hear Professor Michelle Alexander speaking on “The New Jim Crow”!
Click here to purchase and read her book, “The New Jim Crow’