Submitted by: Marla Thompson
What do Entrepreneurs Oprah, Jack Dorsey and Tim Ferriss Have in Common?

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What do Entrepreneurs Oprah, Jack Dorsey and Tim Ferriss Have in Common?

When you think about meditation, what comes to your mind? An image of Buddhist monks deep in the monasteries of Tibet? Or a tool that can improve your performance as an entrepreneur?

If you answered the Buddhist monks, you’re not alone. Many people still see meditation as an activity reserved for mystics and the gurus, not something that belongs in an entrepreneur’s busy schedule.

But over the last few years, meditation has become a daily practice for several of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. Jack Dorsey, Tim Ferriss and Oprah Winfrey, just to name a few, all meditate every morning before starting their workday, as it helps them perform to their full potential throughout the day. Plus, it improves their emotional mastery and cognitive performance over time.

Not sold yet? Here are five reasons why you start meditating — like right now.


I have functioned as a Business and Media Consultant over the past sixteen years and spent many years developing my capacity to function in our ever evolving use of technology, communication, education and training.