14,872 views Mar 4, 2021Emerging fifth-generation wireless communications better known as 5g will be far more than quick-connect phone calls and fast movie downloads, particularly for the military. 5g, in fact, could make a reality of what military leaders as far back as the 1980s referred to as the “infosphere,” where access to data from video, voice, sensors, targeting, reconnaissance, and even the sights on infantry weapons are easy and instantaneous for anyone who needs it. Here are some points of 5G’s role in the military, Let’s check it out! – 5g FOR HYPERSONIC WEAPONS – 5g FOR THE ‘SMART’ MILITARY BASE – 5g FOR THE ‘BATTLE NETWORK’ – 5g FOR ‘BATTLEFIELD WEARABLES’ – 5g FOR DRONES AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Subscribe Now: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Il…https://www.facebook.com/TheMilitary24/http://defense-tv.com/