1.16.13 Statement on President’s Plan to Protect our Children
Quinn NEWS
Brooke Anderson (o. 312-814-3158; c. 312-590-0195)
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Grant Klinzman (o. 312-814-3158; c. 312-237-6568)
Statement from Governor Quinn Regarding President Obama’s Strong Action to Protect Our Children
CHICAGO – January 16, 2013. After participating in a call with the White House, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and governors across the nation, Governor Pat Quinn today issued a statement regarding President Barack Obama’s public safety plan:
“I stand with President Obama in calling on Congress to adopt strong policies that will reduce gun violence. We must act now to protect the children and people of America.
“The President’s action today is the first step of a comprehensive public safety plan that Congress must act upon. We all have a responsibility to ensure that military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines do not fall into the wrong hands.
“The American people should not have to go about their lives in fear of the kind of mass violence that can be inflicted by an assault weapon.
“The horrific tragedies that occurred in Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut have cost our nation too many precious lives. While gun violence cannot be completely eliminated, we should not wait one more day to enact common sense measures that will save lives and help prevent these violent massacres.”