By Marcus L Robinson


 January 16 2013 was a perfect day for a great game at Chicago State University, in the Emil Jones Convocation Center 9500 South King Drive. The parking lot was filled and that could only mean that the stands were filled as well.  Tickets sold for 10.00 per person, and people came from all over to see some of the greatest in the high school basketball league. Morgan Park high school verse Simeon Career Academy.

 Simeon is known for it’s basketball and as you basketball fans know, Simeon Gave us Derrick Rose who now plays for the Chicago Bulls. The crowd went wild, as their favorite teams took to the neatly glazed floor dressed neat and ready for battle.

Simeon number one player Jabari Parker, who many came to see, showed true leader ship on the court last night when a team mate almost got into a brawl with one of the Morgan Park High School Players. Jabari stepped in and quickly defused the situation. Simeon also has Kendrick Nunn # 20 guard who showed off his skills but my camera wasn’t fast enough to catch some of his talented plays.

 The whole team worked well together as a unit, and Morgan Park also showed that they weren’t no walk in the park team. It was a very close game. Morgan Park # 3 guard Kyle Davis held his ground against Kendrick Nunn. Sweat flowed as the tension built in the stands. You would have thought this was a NBA team going on as the teams played against one another.

 Jabari did a dunk and scored many shots that night, he also missed some as well. Morgan Park stayed in the game because Simeon was filing out. Jabari had 3 files on his own. That sent Morgan Park High School to the free throw line. Morgan Park High School had it’s high lights as well. But in the end, Simeon High School ran the clock down and won the game.

 The final score was Morgan Park High School 51 and Simeon High School 53. Just as the teams finished shaking hands, all hell broke loose. CPS Officials and Chicago State Officials quickly got a hand on it and cleared the floor. Unfortunately that wasn’t so outside the stadium, an argument broke out stemming from what took place inside, and some one pulled out a gun and opened fire.

An innocent teen was shot in the back and later died from his wounds leaving a mother asking why did this have to happen to her son? She went on to asked why wasn’t more done to protect the children from this mayhem. Hundreds of Chicago Police and State Police raced to the seen. People scattered from the university. Police stopped a Jeep that was believed to have been the vehicle that the shooter was in, they found a gun, and two people were taken into custody. No one was charged at that time.



I have functioned as a Business and Media Consultant over the past sixteen years and spent many years developing my capacity to function in our ever evolving use of technology, communication, education and training.