Is Your PC Infected Without You Knowing?
Excerpts from
Elliott Swan By Elliott Swan | Smart Web User | 13th December 2016, 9.33 EDT
We investigate a simple free scan which is safeguarding users and saving them thousands in new computer costs!
BY ELLIOT SWAN – Computer Technician Elliot Swan investigates a new solution that is quickly gaining popularity among the average PC consumer. If you live in the U.S and have a Windows computer which is over 6 months old, then we advise you to keep reading.
Thousands of people have already rushed to get their hands on the latest protection, after a huge surge in identity theft from malware found on computers without the owners knowing. After being released last month a new solution went viral in less than 24 hrs.
If you have a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone connected to the internet, you may be at risk of your private information being collected when online shopping or Internet banking. Even just browsing the web is a risk in 2016.
This revolutionary new sytem from ScanGuard will detect and eliminate any Viruses, Adware and Malware which may be silently dormant on your computer ready to bombard you with advertising, slow down your computer, or even, steal your personal information like credit card data when shopping online or Internet banking.
Experts Are Now Saying “Its The Last Piece Of Software You’ll Ever Need”
Many users are saying that their computer is running better than the day it was new immediately after using the tool. As one person said “it’s like a Turbo Charger for your computer” and it will completely protect your computer from all harmful virus’ before they ever become an issue.
The Lead Developer on the project, John Gruchy explains, “Earlier this year, we launched our software and the response has been truly overwhelming. Our main goal was pretty simple. We wanted to save people money by not having to buy expensive new equipment or call PC repair companies.
The full protection suite By ScanGuard™ seems to deliver on this objective perfectly and people love how simple and effective it is to use. It works first time, every time and fixes a very common problem that frustrates millions of people every day.
Browsing the web can be a frustrating task and your computer might take what seems like an eternity to load. After using Scanguard it will detect and remove any adware so your browser can load in seconds
How Do I Get My Free Scan?
If you own a Windows computer and it’s over 6 months old then you are eligible for a free antivirus scan.
Step 1: Get your free copy of the software which is available for limited time.
To maintain peak performance of your computer all you need to do is run a scan about every 30 days. It roughly takes 5 minutes and will fix any errors on your hardrive or web browser. Right now this can be downloaded for free by clicking here.
Even if you have a new computer or your old machine is running ok, we would recommend you try ScanGuard™ to analyze your PC.. Simply run the free 30 second scan and see for yourself. We think you’ll be surprised just how powerful the tool really is and in a matter of days will wonder how you ever managed without it.