A “Conscious Male”by George R. Mangum
Wanda Carter, The Station Chief of the “Chicago Communicator asked me….”Why men were so afraid of going to the doctor’s office for a check up? I pondered her inquiry and thought to myself, she’s right, I’m like that. Only recently in my new years resolution, did I promise myself to take better care of myself. So I vowed to do just that.
Now that I’m officially a senior citizen, I have become very conscious of my male pattern of baldness, my love handles and my crooked teeth. Even though I exercised regularly, I haven’t been able to get rid of my love handles. So I considered liposuction which requires me to make an appointment to see a doctor.
My male pattern baldness was something else that made me self-conscious, so I had to make an appointment to see a doctor. My crooked and missing teeth was another thing that I was self-conscious about but again, I needed to see a doctor, so I made an appointment. The message is that we men have to start taking better care of ourselves, which usually requires going to see a doctor. “SO MEN MAKE THE COMMITMENT TO SEE THE DOCTOR.
” I’m married to a doctor, yet I still had fears. So take my advice and be well. Next week…I’ll discuss, How to defend yourself against the plague of CAR JACKING in the black community.