Submitted by Andrea Raila, Raila & Associates

Thousands of freedom seekers and fugitive slaves passed through and near the Calumet region decades before the Civil War. Those living near the Dolton Ferry and Bridge, including the family of Jan and Aagje Ton, provided particular assistance. Since 2000, local community members and groups across the Calumet region have been exploring options for education and development related to the Underground Railroad.

This led to organizing the Chicago/Calumet Underground Railroad Effort (C/CURE) in 2001, holding meetings at the Greater Roseland Family YMCA. C/CURE was interested in documenting the activity of the UGRR related to the Ton’s and the local area. The group held 4 Researcher’s Roundtables to gather existing UGRR research, provide networking opportunities, and build an interest in research for C/Cure activities. In 2006, an evolution in leadership led to a “True North Remembrance Celebration” festival on the southern edge of Altgeld Gardens with several significant educational elements related to the Underground Railroad.

In 2011, LaRone Branch, for his Eagle Scout project with Boy Scout Troop 409, created the Jan and Aagje Ton Memorial Garden in South Holland. With the assistance of family, friends, and many of those involved with C/CURE, this Underground Railroad memorial was established on the grounds of the First Reformed Church of South Holland, which the Tons and others had also established.

At the onset of 2018, the interest from neighborhood groups and other local efforts to revitalize and support projects and ideas related to the activities of the Underground Railroad in the Little Calumet River region led to a series of development meetings. These paralleled activities and interests are underway through the Forest Preserves of Cook County, The Field Museum, and the Cal-Sag Trail corridor development.

The recent effort has been renamed the Little Calumet Underground Railroad Project.

Facebook: Little Calumet Underground Railroad Project

They are endorsed by: U.S. Congresswoman Robin Kelly – Cook County Commissioners Deborah Sims, Stanley Moore, and Donna Miller – Village of Dolton – Golden Gate Homeowners Assn. – Calumet Heritage Partnership – Calumet City Historical Society – Carver Military Academy H.S. – Illinois State Historical Society – South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society – Friends of the Forest Preserves – South Holland Historical Society– With the participation of numerous community members, historical society representatives, academics, and other local groups and organizations.

Enjoy the television show on the Little Calumet River